- Anita Ernstorfer: Strategic peace mediation and dialogue efforts to shift conflict systems. Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), April 2023
- Anita Ernstorfer, Nora Refaeil, Jan Ubels: The Effective Adviser’s Handbook: A Resource for Professionals working in Complex Contexts. Interpeace-IPAT, December 2022
- Ernstorfer, Anita. Strategic Review of the UN Peacebuilding Fund’s ‘Country Support for Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation’ initiative, PBF/IRF-99. Dec. 2023.
- Ernstorfer, Anita; Stockman, Anne-Sofie; de Weijer, Frauke: Peace Responsiveness: A paradigm shift to deliver on conflict sensitivity and sustaining peace. Development in Practice Journal, Taylor & Francis, October 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/09614524.2022.2128303. Publicly available on Interpeace’s website. Published in a Special Issue of Development in Practice on ‘Conflict Sensitivity/Do No Harm in Development, Humanitarian & Peacebuilding Practice’.
- Ernstorfer, Anita: Three Synthesis Reviews of Evaluations for the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF):
- Synthesis Review of UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) 2021-2022 Evaluations and Evaluative Exercises, 2023.
- Synthesis Review of 2020 Evaluations and Evaluative Exercises of Initiatives Supported by the Fund. Independent review for the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), 2021.
- Synthesis Review, 2017-2019 PBF Portfolio and Project Evaluations. Independent review for the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), 2020.
- Ernstorfer, Anita, and Ben Miller, Corporate Impacts and the Role of Business in the Global Peace Agenda, CDA, Cambridge: 2020
- Ernstorfer, Anita: Conflict Sensitivity in Approaches to Preventing Violent Extremism: Good intentions are not enough. Developed in collaboration with UNDP’s Regional Hub for Arab States, 2019.
- Ernstorfer, Anita and Kiely Barnard-Webster. Peacebuilding Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation: A training package for participants and trainers at intermediate to advanced levels. Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium. 2019.
- Anita Ernstorfer: Peacebuilding Networks and Alliances in Kenya: A Retrospective Look at Collective Peacebuilding Effectiveness. CDA Collaborative Learning Projects. 2018.
- Anita Ernstorfer: Effective approaches to preventing violent extremism: a peacebuilding systems perspective. Berghof Foundation Dialogue Handbook, 2018.
- Ris, Lillie, and Anita Ernstorfer. Borrowing a Wheel. Applying Existing DM&E Strategies to Emerging Programming Approaches to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism. 2017.
- Ernstorfer, Anita, Isabella Jean, and Peter Woodrow: Thinking Evaluatively in Peacebuilding Design, Implementation and Monitoring: Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium, 2016.
- Designing Strategic Initiatives to Impact Conflict Systems: Systems Approaches to Peacebuilding. A Resource Manual. Cambridge, MA: CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, 2016 (co-author).
- Reflecting on Peace Practice (RPP) Basics. A Resource Manual. Cambridge, MA: CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, 2016 (co-author).
- The Syrian conflict: A systems conflict analysis. ARK Group, 2016.
- Ernstorfer, Anita, Diana Chigas, Adrienne G. Cuendet, and Leimer Tejeda: Advancing the SDGs by Supporting Peace: How Business Can Contribute. United Nations Global Compact. 2015.
- Ernstorfer, Anita, Diana Chigas, and Hannah Vaughan-Lee: From Little to Large: When does Peacebuilding Add up? Journal for Peacebuilding and Development, 2015, 10 (1): 72-77.
Publications led by others to which I contributed or acted as an external advisor:
- Provided inputs to: Fabra-Mata, J.: Enhancing conflict sensitivity within Norwegian Aid Administration. A Reflection Note. Department for Evaluation, Norad. 2024.
- Member of External Advisory Group of the evaluation of WFP’s (World Food Program) policy on peacebuilding in transition settings. 2023.
Book editor:
- Ernstorfer, Anita and Stockmayer, Albrecht (book editors): Capacity Development for Good Governance. Nomos/GTZ: Baden-Baden, 2009.