Note: I work with partners and clients both in-person as well as through inter-active virtual and hybrid formats.
Systems Analysis and Systems Change processes
- Facilitation of multi-stakeholder and participatory peace and conflict systems analysis, Example: Syria systems analysis
- Translation of systems analysis to strategy and portfolio development, see my publication with Folke Bernadotte Academy on strategic peace mediation and dialogue efforts to shift conflict systems.
- Advisory work to make international approaches in conflict-affected settings more conflict-sensitive and effective across the development-peace-humanitarian spectrum, see journal publication on Peace Responsiveness: A paradigm shift to deliver on conflict sensitivity and sustaining peace
Thought Leadership and Applied Research
- Publication of articles on new thinking in the peacebuilding field, see for example in the Berghof Dialogue Handbook on systems approaches to the prevention of violent extremism, or on linkages between different peace efforts in the Journal for Peacebuilding and Development
- Comparative research and country case studies (see example, collective impacts in peacebuilding in Kenya case study)
- Cross-case and cross-practice analysis to inform global lessons and policy approaches (for example, see my work in relation to understanding business contributions to peace and with the Global Compact on this topic)
Training, Mentoring and Accompaniment
- Course Director of the Effective Advising in Complex Contexts Professional Development Program with Interpeace’s Advisory Team focused on individual advisory roles, advising for systems change, and interpersonal skills.
- Accompaniment and mentoring of individuals and leadership teams to support organizational and systems change
- Seasoned trainer and facilitator of multi-stakeholder processes. Experience with various adult learning approaches, in-person and online
Adaptive and Complexity-Aware Organizational Strategy and Program Design
- Facilitation of country strategy, program development & adaptation processes using a variety of tools, including complexity aware and systems approaches, Reflecting on Peace Practice (RPP), and Do No Harm (DNH)
- Facilitation of organizational strategy development processes with senior to program level staff, including with a focus on more trust based and horizontal partnerships between international and national and local and stakeholders
- Application of complex systems dynamics tools, including from the Human Systems Dynamics Institute
Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning
- Synthesis reviews and meta-evaluations, for example PBF Synthesis Review of portfolio and project level evaluations
- Development of organizational design, monitoring, evaluation and learning & accountability strategies
- Facilitation of learning processes, outcome harvesting, and other evaluative processes (e.g. program reflection exercises, program quality assessments and evaluability assessments, see resource guide here)
- Development of new monitoring, evaluation, and learning tools and approaches in fragile settings, for example, DM&E for peacebuilding training package, and Borrowing a Wheel
Facilitation, Public Speaking, Advisory Board support
- Facilitation of leadership and senior management processes, such as executive management retreats and team and organizational development processes
- Frequent public speaker (in-person and virtual)
- Serves on advisory boards of complex and multi-layered programs and organizations
Please look at my detailed CV and 2-page resume for more details.